Use our data

The Data Liberation Project liberates data for you. The best way you can support us is to make use of that data. You can also see our pending records requests and subscribe to our newsletter to be notified about newly released datasets and scheduled trainings.


The Data Liberation Project has many volunteering opportunities, suitable for all sorts of people, regardless of technical expertise or years of experience. Fill out this form to get started.

Subscribe to our newsletter

A subscription to The Data Liberation Project’s newsletter represents a vote of confidence in our mission. It’s also the best way to stay informed about new records requests, newly liberated datasets, and new opportunities for collaboration.

If you’re a First Amendment–savvy lawyer who’d like to provide pro bono assistance with FOIA requests, appeals, and/or litigation, absolutely get in touch.

Suggest data to liberate

The Data Liberation Project welcomes the broader community of journalists, government watchdogs, and engaged citizens to help us identify databases of major interest. If you have a suggestion, please fill out this short form.

Fund us

The Data Liberation Project is seeking medium- and long-term philanthropic funding. This would allow us to devote more time, staff, and resources to liberating data for the public good. If you are a potential funder or represent one, it’d be great to hear from you.